Kathy Beyer Photographer
Life can be up and down Like a roller coaster Aim it right It will go up right Go straight Go further Go faster Then it goes down For some reason No need to be upset No time for frustration Just work harder Think deeper Avoid the same mistake Life is tougher than a roller coaster Both up and down can be equal Just a matter of how you respond
I wanna fly Like the birds Free in the sky I wanna ride Cycle to the Sun To see the light I wanna cry For Mother Nature The beauty of life When it is gonna Be my time To shine
數十年前的城南舊事 福陣美篇寫成了故事 自此以後每年的9.10 我的耳根就癢個不停 當初那個少年郎福陣 棄學回鄉欲攀那農藤 鄉間小路把腳踏車騎 追回少年欣慰了林李 數十年後那個少年郎 功成名就幹起律師行 感恩有你常把我記起 你才是我事業的印跡
Life can be up and down Like a roller coaster Aim it right It will go up right Go straight Go further Go faster Then it goes down For some reason No need to be upset No time for frustration Just work harder Think deeper Avoid the same mistake Life is tougher than a roller coaster Both up and down can be equal Just a matter of how you respond